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All of us, at one time or another, have been wounded by another person, our own mistakes, or tragic events.  Each of these wounds is an open door where spiritual strongholds of anger, bitterness, resentment, and a host of similar kinds of things can infiltrate to cause us great harm.  These strongholds take root in the midst of our woundedness and cause us to react in a variety of ways.  When we find ourselves having great difficulty overcoming issues in our lives that seem to control us, we might be dealing with a stronghold of evil.  There are hundreds of ways the Enemy is capable of disrupting our lives; fear, anxiety, and depression are just a few. Uncontrollable rage, thoughts of suicide, sleep disorders, bitterness, and excessive feelings of guilt, shame and worthlessness are a few others.  We have found that by helping a person find healing for their deep wounds, many of these crippling and disruptive issues go away.  Our prayer ministry gently and lovingly guides people through a process of forgiveness and helps people find a level of healing they have never known before.  Once inner-healing has occurred, spiritual strongholds that were connected to the wounds can then simply be removed through the authority of Jesus Christ.


The Wellsprings of Freedom ministry is based on gentleness, prayer, the spiritual gift of discernment, truth encounters, inner healing, forgiveness, and the authority of Christ.  All are effective tools that can be used to help people find new freedom in Christ.  Maybe a simple way to understand the calling and purpose of Wellsprings could be summed up in this way:  Set people free and teach others how to set people free.  It is our prayer that you will join us on this amazing journey, either by finding freedom for yourself, or by learning how to set other people free! (Description from Wellsprings of Freedom International)

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We would love to notify you about future Wellsprings events in the area, such as orientations or training conferences for new team members.
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Orientations are open to anyone interested in learning more about the Wellsprings ministry. They are also required for anyone desiring a freedom session.

You will learn the biblical basis behind this ministry, as well as what to expect in a freedom session and how to prepare for it.
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